It is Thursday. I am tired of coughing. I wander around all day seeing dogs, preparing lectures, catching up records and wondering about crazy people, then I get home at night and decide to go to sleep, and that is the magic thought that stimulates coughing so hard that I see white lights. The night slime. I think that I have been watching LOTR too much because the best comparison I can come up with for the amount of slime I have been dealing with is an orc being born.
Classes start next week. It’s a little bit thrilling to be teaching parasitology. Parasite pictures have always brightened my life. I sent some to that fireman in cowboy boots and he stopped texting back. Go figure. Some people really just need to lighten up and appreciate parasites. Seriously folks, the NM dating scene is not good. If you don’t live here your odds of finding normal guys to date are probably pretty good because in my experiences thus far the odd ones come here. Just so we are all clear that I am normal, I always ask before sending people pictures of parasites. So there.
What else… a urolith dog came in yesterday with some ultra-satisfying radiographic uroliths. It would have been cool to take them out myself, but having only done it on a pig and having no extra hands in surgery it is best to send it down the road this time. Feeling them and finding them was a thrill, and the client was a very fun person to deal with in a week of client madness. For the record, “your mother is a bum” is a major Navajo insult. While the insult continues to crack me up given that I’ve never heard such an insult before and it confuses me when no one here has met my mom… I do feel bad for the animal that was whisked away for home treatment when that option really was not appropriate. There were some other odd events this week, but I think that one won the cake.
I went to another pharmacist potluck last night and met more of that community including the local optometrists and dentists. They are all such unique and interesting people. In one evening I am more amazed by life stories than I am in 2 months elsewhere. Families coming here from the Ivory Coast, holding their marriages together through war zones and immigration chaos, sticking together through entire degree programs and job situations while living in opposite ends of the United States or of the world… now that’s what I call a relationship. These folks should tour the United States telling their inspiring stories. Perhaps people would start to discern little problems from big problems and the universe would not be so saturated with kids in broken homes. Sure, some problems are unresolvable, but others… people just need to grow up, stop being asinine, and quit running from their problems. Is your partner a priority or not? Then make each other happy. Take the Muttley pup for example. Last night, out of the blue, he brings me a partial spinal column that he found outside and lays it at my feet. An unexpected present of extreme value to him. Was I elated? Totally. Beat that big heart of a woof.
Tea time with tired Dr. Funk is now over, treasure her pearls of coughing wisdom, lol. In this blog you are just going to have to insert your own exclamation points because I am tired.
P.S. I just called my dogs in from their lunch run. I kid you not, Muttley brought me the rest of the spinal column. My heart is melted.