Well here I am, at the Flagstaff library, with my only major discomfort being that I have this computer for 95 minutes and I failed to use the restroom prior to sitting down. TMI? My blog. Ha. Discomfort increased by the fact that I just came from drinking a ginNORMous coffee. I really need a nap, but when I close my eyes I think about patients. There have been about a ton and half since I arrived here, and I love them enough to worry over them on my days off. I have always know that my heart is tied to dogs and cats - I have a host of names and faces in my head right now that I cuddled and cried over all of my years growing up - now my skills are growing in the realm of several diseases and ailments that I did not get a chance to see on the Rez, as well as in the realm of learning how to move fast in one heck of a fast-paced clinic! Urgent care is a diet and exercise plan unmatched in effectiveness, I think. I'm back on days for a bit at the moment, and have just enjoyed a day in the midst of monsoon season here in Flag. Imagine that! Rain! Like! This library has a fairly large Navajo population as I look around me, so it feels kind of like home of last year with the exception of it being a library. Thoreau could use a nice library with wireless and lots of books/DVDs. I returned here to lurk in hopes that the annoying individual holding All Creatures Great and Small season 2 hostage might come through the door so I can drop and tackle her and get it from her dirty little hands. Small crush on James Herriot.
Well I'm off. There are 8 million stories and I might have to start a catchy new blog since I'm not really on the Rez anymore. Definitely enriched by the experience, and I think about them all often. The great news is that their new vet is fantastic. I met her when I returned to close some loose ends last month. Now that I'm back on days I will head back there for a visit soon, and collect my llamers! Missin' the llamers! Her wild boyfriend must also be tamed, and together we will explore the San Francisco peaks. Two llamas, two dogs, a llama pack with a tent... dream to come true soon, just you wait.
How did I not know you had a blog?! What lovely sedimentary rock have I been living under?!