Grind the corn
Suture the corn husks
Make lots of cake batter
Pour batter into corn husk lined fire pit
Cover cake batter with more corn husks
Cover cake with wet grocery bags, dirt, and FIRE
Bake cake all night
I totally sutured most of those corn husks together. I've got hand it to these women. Running and yelling twice a day on no sleep, no sugar, no salt... not how I handle that time of the month. I'm really impressed. That's actually the first family meal I've been to in quite some time, although I did not recognize the part of the sheep that I ate. Luckily I've been trained in octopus.
So I'm home, it's Friday, I'm missing the all night singing session. I would like to hear the horse song. Today at the clinic was pretty solid. Solid bull. We have the chutes up and running and 5 were run through for Trich testing. I spent the majority of the morning with 5 horses, but visited a monster bull just long enough to palpate him and determine that he and the other bulls need to find some other entertainment in their spare time. The things you learn about animals. I'm always super impressed with their muscles. I'm used to cows, and these guys were like "GRRRRR" (flexing muscles).
Oh yeah, I tripped and fell on the way back on the run. She can't trip, but I guess I can. I need to get in better shape, that was rough. Also, peeling potatoes with chatty Navajo kids = WIN.
I meant coming of age party (ceremony). It sounds a little like what the Spanish people do.