Hello again from the trailer on the Rez, wherein one collie-mix woof is not only dealing with a stitched up nose and a tingley paw that needs to be licked, but his horrible mom has placed him in the CONE OF SHAME and life is just, well, horrible. I have been out of the blogging mood lately, not sure why. It's been remarkably busy during the week and the last weekend I faced was Thanksgiving and I tore on up to CO to float about my Fort. MY FORT! No historical pains shall steal it from me. It was a fun Thanksgiving with friends, bathroom stitching of a Max nose that collided with a horse foot, a not-so-awesome encounter with some heart pains, and a rescue from sadness by the muppets. MUAH to Kermit the Frog. Saturday was full of fun times with fantabulous friends, and Sunday landed me in Albuquerque around 8 PM to meet some interesting folks at Barnes & Noble again followed by speedy travel to the nearest Albertsons to buy some H2O2 and make Pepperoni puke up the 4 giant frosted cinnamon rolls she dug up and wolfed while I was in the bookstore. Monday had me back at work in spades with several dogs and cats, one dog with a hip lux, and then the horse with a left forelimb injury that seriously took the cake for mangled meat. An hour of clip and clean followed by almost 3 hours of stitching with the last hour done by the light of the owner's truck headlights. It was FREEEEZING when the sun went down and I took two breaks to run inside and whimper while my hands thawed, lol. But dudes, I LOVED IT!!!! Stitching up a horse leg in the cold by truck headlights... dream number XXX come true. There was a lot of tension, he kind of degloved his extensor muscles down to just above the knee, but spared bone and joints and could still walk, so we shall see! Nice people, they truly deserve some miracles.
Tomorrow is pharmacology student presentation day... I'm pretty excited to see what they have come up with. Each student will present a drug from a different category we have studied, and the media team is going to come down and tape them! I have very little doubt that they will do really well. Little things are still annoying here and there with calculations, record-keeping, details... but overall the 2nd year students make me proud with all the things they are able to do independantly now.
Anyhoo, I suppose I'll call it good. The pup just peed in the house again. My little twit.
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